GTA 5 is one of the most successful installments of the series devoted to criminals and gangsters. Events unfold in the fictional city known as Los Santos, and the story features three characters – Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. Players can seamlessly switch between them. The heroes used to be friends, and they reunite years after a failed bank robbery. They delve back into their criminal lifestyle, engaging in thefts, robberies, and killings. Besides, you will also navigate personal trials and conflicts. This open-world city is packed with obstacles and adversaries, forcing the characters for the most incredible crimes.
Enemies are everywhere!
These actions attract the attention of rival gangsters and law enforcement. The opponents are always trying to get rid of the heroes. Players must assist the characters in evading these threats. Endless missions span various criminal activities, from minor thefts to intense shootouts. The multiplayer mode allows players to wreak havoc together in the city streets, with new content continuously added for fresh challenges. GTA 5 promises hours of thrilling entertainment.
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